Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQs

Go to Manage Users->Users Group. Click on Add User Group button. Fill out the field Group Name. Check checkboxes to add users in the group and click on Add Users button to add users in the list. Click on x button to remove users from the list. Click on Save button to create a User Group.
First activate the Storefront Settings on the Dashboard to use email facility. After you have created and generated QR codes for the products. Go to Email Templates. Fill all the details in the accordion section. Lastly go to Send Email, select a group and hit on send. Your emails will be in queue to be sent.
Go to Manage Users->Users. Click on Sync Now button. Only 200 Users will be fetched at a time. Once all the users are fetched, a message will be shown "Users list is up-to-dated!"
Go to QR Code Format in the Menu. Here you can customize your QR Code according to your needs. Change Font color, Background color, size and position of QR Code. Personalize your QR Code by adding image or text.
We store customers' email address, first name and last name for the functioning of our app. The main funtionality of our app that is to send email requires their email address. We do not exploit customers data in any form.